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Before 'talent' and 'effort,' there is the Learner's Mindset.

Want your kids to be more driven and/or confident?

You've come to the right place. 

Academian Nut is an online life coaching and education company on a mission to instill a growth mindset in students, making them self sufficient and driven to succeed without the push from their parents. 


Here's what we can help with:

Learner's Mindset

A desire to be the best version of oneself. Key values: Curiosity, generosity, resilience and purpose.

Improving Your Relationship

Normally the first thing you'll notice when you start working with us is a better, more open relationship.

Better Grades

This is the natural result of everything else in "the system" operating as it should.

Helping students cultivate a desire to improve and the belief that they can.


Welcome to Academian Nut

Hey there!  I'm Ava, and my goal is to help parents and children improve their relationship by empowering each with an improved ability to communicate with and understand the other. 

Through developing a deep understanding of myself and changes that have occurred in me, over 10 years of experience working with students and parents as a private tutor, and thoroughly researched Psychological concepts, I've gained the skill of influencing teens.

Join our mailing list to learn more about resolving behavioral, motivational, and communication problems with your kids, and we'll send you a tips sheet for how to teach your own kids.

Sign up now >>

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